Friday 27 January 2017

It's OK!

Tonight's post is something many people don't like to talk about - well for me anyway. Everyone has day's when they feel down, when they don't want to get out of bed, they don't want to see anyone. Just generally can't be bothered with life, I guess. It's important to remember we are only human, we can't be happy and full of life everyday- can you imagine how exhausting that would be!? It's normal to feel fed up with life. You're definitely not alone and never will be.

For some people this stops at "simply having a down day" but for others down days is all they know- depression. It's a very touchy subject to discuss, however, I feel it's important to talk about. Especially for people who have it severely and need some reassurance. I, luckily, don't suffer from severe depression and I wouldn't class myself as having depression to anyone. In saying this, I do still go through days, sometimes even weeks, of feeling depressed and that's OK. I don't suffer severely, however, I have many close friends who do, and from personal experience I know how horrible it is to have it- even for a short amount of time. 

People seem to categorise depression as something stuck to you constantly. There's this crazy idea that if you're not depressed all the time you can't EVER be depressed. Well this is just stupid isn't it? Yes, you may not be down all the time and yes you may not be medically written down as having depression. However, this does not make you any less important than someone who is suffering daily. 

People get scared to speak out, talk to their friends, confess they're feeling depressed. People are scared because they will be told "Get over it" or "You're only having a bad day." The truth is, we don't know anyone's situation. We don't know what may have triggered someone to feel like that; to feel worthless, hopeless, empty. People who suffer both daily and have waves of depression all fall under the same bracket. They all feel the same. Whether it be temporarily, or for a long time. 

Not everyone deals with it the same either. Some prefer to shut everyone out and take time alone, and that's OK. Some people want to be around friends and family and seek reassurance and that's also OK. Some just want a mixture of both, they can't make up their mind, they talk to someone one day and not the next... That's also OK. Be proud of yourself for the little things. Be proud of yourself for even getting out of bed, even if you don't reach beyond the doorstep. Be proud of yourself for eating something, you're looking after your body! But more than anything else be proud of yourself for sticking around another day, that's what real courage is. You got past today, you can get past tomorrow.  

Next time you judge someone, if they tell you they are feeling "depressed" don't belittle them to the point they feel it is invalid, that they're invalid. All you are doing is heightening what they already feel and making them worse. They are speaking out in confidence. It is not something easy to do; they are looking for help. As a friend, co-worker, family member or anything in-between... be there for them! And for anyone suffering in silence always know you're not alone. There are people suffering with the same demons, people always willing to talk. However, know that it's OK to be quiet too... I understand! there's no pressure, but there's always ears to listen. 

If anyone feels like they would take comfort in messaging me I am always here to talk to people. You got this.

Tasha Hall x x x

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